The countdown to Microsoft's biggest conference of the year is nearing single digits. One thing I appreciate about Microsoft Ignite is that the line up sessions do not merely focus on technology, nor are all of the sessions lecture based; they also … [Continue reading]
Private channels are coming to Microsoft Teams – Are you ready?

Recently Microsoft posted an update on the most requested feature for Microsoft Teams, Private Channels! Private channels are scheduled for release this month, October 2019. There has been no official word on what that exactly means, yet the hope is … [Continue reading]
SharePoint Conference 2019 Keynote, aka, SharePoint Virtual Summit 2019 in Review

On Tuesday, May 21st, 2019, in Las Vegas, at the annual SharePoint Conference, Seth Patton, Jeff Teper, and friends took the stage at the MGM Conference center to deliver the state of SharePoint now and in the future. You can watch the entire 90 … [Continue reading]
A renewed opportunity – Microsoft Regional Director
Two years ago, I was honored by being welcomed into the Microsoft Regional Directory program. This amazing group of people are some of brightest, most accomplished individuals I have gotten to know over the past two years, and have been honored to … [Continue reading]
Now Available – Open Source SharePoint Framework RSS Reader Webpart

I am excited to announce the general availability of an open source SharePoint Framework RSS Reader webpart I built and made available to anyone and everyone as part of the SharePoint Patterns and Practices SPFx Webpart examples. Download the RSS … [Continue reading]
Modern vs Classic SharePoint – The Throw-down Recap
Last week, PixelMill hosted a webinar on a throw-down between Modern vs Classic SharePoint. I had the pleasure hosting the discussion with our lead designer, Kunaal Sharma. Do you have questions related to SharePoint, "classic", "modern", "what is … [Continue reading]
SharePoint Conference 2019 – A Conference You Don’t Want to Miss

SharePoint Conference is returning to Las Vegas this year from May 21st – 23rd, 2019 at the MGM Grand and I’ll be there with bells on. Why is this a must-attend session on my schedule this year? As Microsoft continues to introduce exciting changes, … [Continue reading]
SharePoint is the Answer to Content Collaboration in the Modern Workspace
In the afternoon on day one of Microsoft Ignite 2018, Microsoft Corporate Vice President Jeff Teper took to the stage, and with help of a few on his team, he presented his update on SharePoint, OneDrive, and more. He clearly stated that SharePoint is … [Continue reading]
SharePoint Online Theming – The Threads Between Modern and Classic Experiences

Branding modern SharePoint experiences including modern team, communication, and hub sites continues to revolve around modern themes. Custom modern SharePoint theming is well documented at, including the following … [Continue reading]
Why the panic?
For those watching the cryptocurrency markets, we have been witnessing the umpteenth market scare, market correction, bear market—take your pick on your preferred interpretation or description. So why is this correction happening? Coin Telegraph … [Continue reading]