Back in March, I wrote an article on workplace collaboration, titled, "Company Collaboration: The Leading Force of Success, inspired by a survey series called, "Measuring Collaboration Success" (#MeasureCollabSuccess) lead by Christian Buckley … [Continue reading]
Branding Modern SharePoint Webinar – Recap and Answers
On July 14th, I gave a webinar on Branding Modern SharePoint for VisualSP. I enjoyed sharing my knowledge and experience on branding SharePoint. The webinar was mainly on SharePoint branding best practices, the "dos" and "don'ts" of SharePoint … [Continue reading]
The New SharePoint Framework: A New Perspective from DevKit3
Last week I had the privilege of attending the third Developer Kitchen (DevKit3). The mini-conference, with content centered on the upcoming SharePoint Framework (#SPFx / the Framework), gave attendees an in-depth review of the future of SharePoint … [Continue reading]
SharePoint Saturday Silicon Valley 2016 is just a few days away!

SharePoint Saturday Silicon Valley 2016 is this Saturday, June 11th, 2016 at the Microsoft Office in Mountain View and I couldn't be more excited. If you haven't heard of or haven't attended a SharePoint Saturday, this is a free one-day conference … [Continue reading]
Reminder – The Future of SharePoint – An Online Event May 4th, 2016 9:30 AM PST

This is a friendly reminder that if you have any toe in the SharePoint world, you need to ensure your calendar is marked for tomorrow, May 4th, 2016, 9:30 AM PST. Why? Microsoft is presenting a webcast of "The Future of SharePoint", live from San … [Continue reading]
Microsoft Build 2016 Day 2 – Azure, IoT, Xamarin, Office Productivity, the Global Developer Community
Day 2 started with another great keynote, this time lead primarily by Microsoft Executive Vice President of Cloud + Enterprise, Scott Guthrie and Microsoft Executive Vice President of the Applications and Services Group, Qi Lu. Building upon Day 1, … [Continue reading]
Xamarin Now Free with Visual Studio
This is just too hot to not share right away. During the Day 2 Keynote at Build (), taking place this week in San Francisco, Microsoft Executive Vice President Scott Guthrie announced that Xamarin would now be included with Visual Studio at no extra … [Continue reading]
Imagine What’s Possible – Build 2016 – Day 1
"Imagine what's possible", a statement by Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, during the Day 1 Keynote, set the tone for this year's Build 2016 taking place this week at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California. This is my first Build event and … [Continue reading]
Company Collaboration: The Leading Force of Success
Recently Christian Buckley (@buckleyplanet) asked me and a few others to help collaborate on a community-based survey on measuring collaboration. One might ask, how did our collaboration measure? Pretty good I think, the survey, "Measuring … [Continue reading]
SharePoint 2016 RTM Announced – General Release Early May 2016
I guess the rumors of March 14th and SharePoint 2016 were in fact true. Today marks another milestone we have been eagerly awaiting, the official Release to Manufacturing (RTM) of SharePoint Server 2016 is finally here! With its cloud-based … [Continue reading]